Letters: Excellent French healthcare service has never disappointed
Reader is impressed by France's conscientious GPs and access to specialists
Letters: The language barrier ended my dream life in France
Reader says that despite his love for the country he just could not get to grips with French
Letters: Motorcyclists are too aggressive on the Paris périphérique
Connexion reader says that many drive too fast and act rudely when drivers do not let them
Send bill to Leave Lord
I suggest Brian Cloughley sends an invoice for the cost of translating documents ( Readers’ cartes de séjour experiences , Letters, October edition) to Lord Lawson, the person responsible for heading the Conservatives leaving the EU.
Lord Lawson not only led the campaign to leave, but he also lives in France and has applied for a carte de séjour. I am certain he would welcome Mr Cloughley’s bill. Whether he will send any money is another question.
Lord Lawson has commuted to the UK for many years. He travels to London to sit in the House of Lords and returns to Toulouse on a Friday evening. I do not know Lord Lawson’s address, but I am certain if Mr Cloughley sends his bill to the House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW, the Lord will receive it.
I have lived here for more than 15 years and now cannot vote in the UK. I am wondering if the same applies to Lords.
Tony Francis, Gers
Editor’s note: Lords are not subject to the 15-year rule and can vote for the entirety of their lives no matter where in the world they live