Your practical queries answered

As usual, we have answered a wide range of questions on life in France for the next edition – why not send yours in?

THANK you to the readers who have sent in questions about France for us to answer.

We have made the following selection for our October edition:

How do I register to take part in the UK’s EU referendum?

What are motorists meant to do if they break down on the motorway?

What are a consumer’s rights if goods are faulty?

Can non-residents get divorced in France?

I asked bank to close my account a year ago and they still have not complied – what am I doing wrong?

Tax officials quizzed me about ‘OBAN’ account - what is this?

Can you defer paying capital gains tax on property sales?

Is it possible to take money out of a QROPs pension scheme?

Why do British NI payments not count fully for pension rights?

Is it vital for an auto-entprepreneur to pay into a French work pension such as CIPAV if you already qualify for a UK state pension?

Would I need insurance to rent out a parking space?

Where do official ‘tourist’ figures come from?

I am an auto-entrepreneur, can I hire staff?

If you have a practical question about France please email it to news[at]

We cannot answer all the queries we receive but we make a selection each edition with answers from official bodies and experts. Questions are published anonymously, with initials.

To receive the October edition at your home subscribe here. It costs €35 for 12 editions to a French home and is a significant saving on newsagent prices.