Ryanair threatens to reduce flights in France as tax increases back on agenda
‘France is going against the tide’, said Ryanair’s CEO
Why employees in France are likely to receive less money in January
Three changes are expected to make a dent in the usual level of net pay
Thousands of property owners in France sent ‘empty home tax’ bills in error
The bills, payable this December, can run to thousands of euros
Spring financial advice seminars postponed
With the ongoing developments relating to COVID-19, international tax and wealth management advisers Blevins Franks have postponed their Spring seminars and are hoping to rearrange them later this year.
The firm, however, recognises that issues for British nationals with French connections remain and that some points may require attention now, with the Brexit transition period due to end on December 31, 2020.
With this in mind, they are offering individual remote consultations with their advisers. Please contact Blevins Franks if you are interested:
Contact Blevins Franks online
Email france@blevinsfranks.com
Freephone 0 805 112 163
You can also sign up for their sign up for their eNewsletter to receive regular updates and invitations to their future seminars. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Blevins Franks provides cross-border tax, wealth management, pensions and estate planning services to British expatriates across Europe. Together with their tax, investment and pension specialists, they look at the whole picture to establish the most effective solutions for you.