TV licence fee break for B&Bs

Chambres d’hôtes open for less than nine months a year and people watching TV on a computer fitted with a TV card have won licence fee cuts.

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The redevance audiovisuelle fee is paid for each TV and will be discounted by 30% for B&Bs with more than three TVs.

Computer TV card users will not have to pay a licence fee at all, said Public Accounts Min­ister Gérald Darmanin, who also rejected calls to extend the fee to tablets and smartphones.

Ministers are looking at a new type of licence fee as it is paid along with the taxe d’habitation and government moves to get rid of this for most households by 2020 mean a rethink on how and who should pay.

Culture Minister Françoise Nyssen said “changing usage” meant a new system from 2019.

Several government MPs called for an income-linked universal fee and said a tax ministry simulation showed a fee of 0.5% of income paid only by those with revenu fiscal of more than €10,000 would bring in the same amount as the old fee but exclude 65% of homes.