Two-thirds want French franc back

Report finds growing rejection of the euro and nostalgia for the franc - seen as a symbol of a more prosperous time

A GROWING number of French people say they miss the franc and would like it to return.

A survey by Paris Match magazine found 69% would like the old French currency to come back in place of the euro. Some 47% said they missed it "a lot".

When France switched to the euro in January 2002 only 39% were nostalgic about the old currency. This grew to 61% in 2005.

The report found the French franc was missed most by people from the working class and those with the least qualifications.

It said these people were hardest-hit by the economic crisis, and the franc for them is a reminder of the prosperity of the late 90s.

The Bank of France is still exchanging franc notes until February 2012 - although some denominations have already been recalled.