Singles can meet up and learn new skills thanks to website

... but it's not a dating site!, say founders

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A PAIR of English women in the Dordogne have created a website for adults living on their own and would prefer to go to events with someone else, rather than having to face a crowded room on their own.

Gill Nurse (right) and Marian Evans say the Singles Together website ( is not a dating service – rather it is similar to the very successful Meetup site in the UK which brings people together to do things they enjoy and learn new skills.

“There are very many people out there who are lonely and using a website is a very good way for people to make connections,” said Gill.

“It started because Marian and I are both single and our children live a long way away. We got fed up of going to our empty homes after church on Sundays. We started having lunch at each other’s houses and soon discovered we both knew about different things going on in the area but didn’t really want to go on our own.

“So we started going to the cinema and exploring new places and found we were doing twice as much as before.

“I was sure we could extend this idea to others.”

Mrs Nurse said that although she and her friend have launched the site, it is to be member led with very few or perhaps even no meetings. “For example, if someone has an idea for a walk they can post it up and ask if anyone would like to join them and anyone interested can sign up.

“It is a very flexible system and costs nothing to join. You just sign up. It could also be taken up anywhere else in France and I would help anyone who wanted to set one up.”