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Circuses anger over minister's animal welfare comments
Traditional circuses demand urgent meeting with environment minister following radio interview

Traditional French circuses have demanded an urgent meeting with environment minister Nicolas Hulot after he indicated that he would prefer them to be banned.
The Federation of Circus Traditions has written to Mr Hulot and President Emmanuel Macron to express concern at the possibility of a future ban.
Mr Hulot had said in an interview with France Inter that he disapproved of performances by animals in captivity and that he wanted to create a thinktank on animal welfare.
The Federation warned that Mr Hulot's 'desire to eliminate animals in circuses' would have economic repercussions. "When animals are absent, the public is also absent," co-ordinator Christian Caffy said.
"The exasperation of our adherants is at its height, convinced that the end of their livelihoods is being planned," the Federation warned in its letter. "This concerns the survival of an important element of our common cultural heritage."
The group is scheduled to meet on September 4 and wants a meeting with Mr Hulot before that date.